
Input for updating properties of an existing Mosaic layout. Must specify the id of the layout, which is validated based on the current userID. Must also specify the type of the layout. Other fields are optional; only specified fields are updated, and undefined ones are left unchanged.

link GraphQL Schema definition

1input UpdateDashboardViewMosaicLayoutInput {
2# The Mosaic data blob (in string form) representing a Mosaic layout.
3# If left undefined, the data will not be changed.
4data: MosaicData
6# The id of the specific mosaic layout to be updated. This identifies
7# a combination of type and channel for this user, and has an additional
8# unique component to distinguish it from other layouts for this type and channel.
9id: ID!
11# The display name of the layout. This allows the display name to be changed.
12# If left undefined, the display name will not be changed.
13name: String
15# The version tag for a Mosaic layout, which can be optionally updated.
16# If left undefined, the value will not be changed.
17version: String